Best Crystals For Sagittarius: Zodiac Sign Stones

Best Crystals For Sagittarius: Zodiac Sign Stones

Mar 07, 2024Meagan Mason

The celestial archers of the zodiac wheel bring adventure and excitement into the world, with the Sagittarius zodiac sign synonymous with fun and freedom. But, between exploring the wilderness and making friends in the most unlikely places, Saggis benefit from a little TCL from their favorite stones.

Today, we are going to dive into the last fire sign of astrology and figure out the best crystals for Sagittarius. What healing crystals promote self-discovery and enlightenment for this dynamic sign?

Why You Should Use Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Working with crystal healing allows you to amplify the positive traits associated with your star sign and bring balance to those more troublesome characteristics. With an adventurous spirit and a lust for life, Sagittarians have a whole load of energy busting away in their souls.

Some Sagittarius crystals bring them courage and protection as they go on their neverending journeys around the world. Independent to their core, Sagittarians do well with crystals that amplify their sense of self and help them navigate their goals and dreams.

Other Sagittarius birthstones bring balance to that independence and allow them to let others into their inner world. Communication can sometimes be an issue with this star sign, with their blunt nature causing difficulties with friends and loved ones. By turning to Heart and Throat Chakra crystals, Saggis are able to speak from the heart and nurture compassion with others.

Sagittarius Traits & Characteristics

With their fun-loving personality and big heart, Saggitarians want to enjoy and explore life. They are the first to buy a one-way ticket to the other side of the world on a whim and crave exploration and discovery. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and abundance, Saggis are all about expansion, development, and growth.

As the mutable fire sign of the zodiac wheel, Sagittarians burn brightly with passion and creativity. They are adaptable and curious, with a ferocious hunger for knowledge. However, the knowledge these folks crave does not come from books - it comes from the people they meet and the places they visit. Open-minded and accepting, Saggis strike up conversations with anyone at any time and tend to have an eclectic range of friends and acquaintances.

Sagittarians are free spirits to their very core and don't have a 'comfort zone.' However, the freedom they crave can sometimes come with sacrifice. Relationships and careers may fall away as they jump from one adventure to another. Saggis can be a little temperamental and may let down the ones who trust them the most.

How To Choose A Crystal For Sagittarius Energy

When picking the best healing crystal for you, reflect on how your Sagittarius energy manifests in your life. Do you struggle with creating deep bonds with others because of your flexible and indecisive nature? Do your blunt words sometimes cause issues with your friends? If so, opt for a Throat or Heart Chakra stone to bring balance to this.

You may wish to opt for a Sagittarius crystal that reignites your passion and fire to help you as you journey through life. Stones with grounding energies are also beneficial to Sagittarians, as they allow them to feel safe and secure as they go out into the world on their adventures.

The Best Crystals For Sagittarius

So, what are the best crystals for Sagittarius? Let's find out what stones you can work with for emotional healing, chakra balancing, and spiritual growth.


  • Chakras: Solar Plexus and Sacral

  • Planets: Sun

  • Element: Fire


Holding a Citrine crystal is like having a mini Sun in your hands, with its powerful energy promoting optimism and passion. It brings you a shot of confidence and self-esteem, allowing the bold Sagittarius to stay true to their soul.

When dark moods threaten your happiness, the positive energy that Citrine brings will wash them away and allow you to reconnect with your inner fire.

How To Use

Charge your Citrine with positive affirmation before wearing it as a necklace to bring you good vibes and happiness.

Lapis Lazuli

  • Chakras: Throat and Third Eye

  • Planets: Jupiter

  • Element: Water


Lapis Lazuli is all about truth and self-discovery, with its vibrations opening up the Third Eye and Throat Chakra to promote wisdom and understanding. It helps you stand still and turn inward, perfect for the ever-active Saggi sun sign.

Sometimes, this sign can forget to stop and think, which leads to impulsive decisions and words. A Lapis Lazuli gives them time for reflection, allowing them to unravel the different layers of their souls.

How To Use

Charge your Lapis Lazuli with moonlight, as the energy of the moon will help you with introspection and discovery. Then, have it near you when journaling.

Indigo Gabbro

  • Chakras: Crown and Third Eye

  • Planets: Mars and Pluto

  • Element: Water


Indigo Gabbro promotes transformation and renewal by opening up the higher chakras. It awakens your soul, helping you find guidance and understanding on your spiritual journey. For the inquisitive Sagittarius, this stone enables them to dive deep into their subconsciousness to find out more about themselves and their place in the universe.

The self-awareness this magical stone brings helps us identify and change bad habits or thought processes that are holding us back. The road before us is clear, and we are able to move forward with courage and conviction.

How To Use

Charge your Indigo Gabbro with sage for cleansing and renewal. Then, hold it on your Third Eye Chakra when meditating.

Black Obsidian

  • Chakras: Root

  • Planets: Saturn

  • Element: Earth


Black Obsidian is an excellent stone for transmuting negative energy into positivity, with its powerful energies serving as a shield for your auric field. As a Sagittarius is always on the go, visiting new places and meeting new people, this stone is their perfect travel companion.

As a Root Chakra crystal, Black Obsidian brings stability to those who work with it. When you are miles away from home on your adventures, this grounding stone will help you feel centered and at peace with yourself.

How To Use

Charge your Obsidian with soil, as the earth element will unlock its metaphysical properties. Then, wear it as a necklace to keep you protected.

Rose Quartz

  • Chakras: Heart

  • Planets: Venus

  • Element: Earth


Rose Quartz is a calming stone that clears out the Heart Chakra to heal wounds and promote compassion and care. It is a great stone for Sagittarians who find it difficult to connect with others on a deeper level, allowing them to open their hearts and let their emotions flow freely.

This powerful stone also impacts how we show love and care to ourselves. Sagittarians can be quite outward-looking, always searching for the next thrill. Rose Quartz gently turns their attention inward, allowing them to explore their emotional and spiritual needs.

How To Use

Charge your Rose Quartz with water, as the element of water is connected to emotions and relationships. Then, wear it as jewelry when you spend time with your loved ones.


  • Chakras: Crown and Third Eye

  • Planets: Jupiter and Saturn

  • Element: Air and Water


Amethyst brings balance to Saggis restless energy, providing them with the time to be still and explore their inner wisdom. It releases negative energy from the environment and auric field to help you come to a place of peace and tranquility.

Perfect for meditation and inner vision work, Amethyst opens up the higher chakras to amplify your intuition and connection to higher celestial realms.

How To Use

Charge your Amethyst in an herb jar, using herbs for relaxation. Then, place it in your home to boost feelings of peace and calm.

Blue Lace Agate

  • Chakras: Throat

  • Planets: Neptune

  • Element: Air and Water


Blue Lace Agate is a stone of communication and cooperation, with its healing energy opening up the Throat Chakra and cleansing it out. It is the perfect stone for Sagittarians who find themselves getting in trouble for their blunt words and allows you to speak from the heart without heightened emotions creating confusion.

Blue Lace Agate also promotes self-awareness and mental clarity, helping you understand and express your truth.

How To Use

Charge your Blue Lace Agate with incense before using it in Throat Chakra rituals.

Green Aventurine

  • Chakras: Heart

  • Planets: Mercury and Venus

  • Element: Air, Water, and Earth


Green Aventurine is a lucky crystal that works with Saggi's natural positive energy to bring good fortune and happiness into their lives. It amplifies action and leadership and supports a Sagittarian as they go after their goals, ensuring that only good vibes will come their way.

How To Use

Charge your Green Aventurine with soil, as the earth element is connected to material goods and prosperity. Then, use it when sending intentions regarding your career or money goals out into the world.

Gold Sheen Obsidian

  • Chakras: Root and Sacral

  • Planets: Saturn

  • Element: Earth


Gold Sheen Obsidian is volcanic glass created when molten lava cools quickly, which causes a golden iridescent glow. It shares many of its healing properties with other varieties of Obsidian, such as protection and grounding. However, it is also a powerful crystal of psychic knowledge, allowing us to connect with higher realms and universal oneness.

Personal power and a deeper understanding of life come to us when using Gold Sheen Obsidian for meditation and scrying. The truth is reflected back, and we are able to progress on our journey with passion and wisdom.

How To Use

Charge your Gold Sheen Obsidian with moonlight. Then, use it for meditation or have it near you when you do shadow work journaling.

What Is The Luckiest Stone For Sagittarius?

The luckiest stone for Sagittarius is Citrine. It works with their inner fire to enhance the positive aspects of this star sign and release any negative traits.

What Is The Best Stone For A Sagittarius Male?

The best stone for a Sagittarius male is Obsidian, as its energetic properties provide them with protection as they explore the world.

Final Thoughts

These powerful crystals for Sagittarius enhance their adventurous and optimistic attitude while bringing balance to the more negative traits of the Sagittarius sun sign.

Whether you need a protection stone to keep you safe on your travels or a stone of communication to assist you with your relationships with others, these crystals are perfect additions to your collection!

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