Best Crystals For Pisces: Intuition For Your Zodiac

Best Crystals For Pisces: Intuition For Your Zodiac

Mar 07, 2024Meagan Mason

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces brings the world maturity and deep empathy. Those born during the Pisces season are dreamy and intuitive, with an incredible ability to dive into their subconscious to explore their hidden wisdom.

Because Pisces individuals are in tune with the unseen, working with healing crystals allows them to further their understanding and develop their spiritual consciousness. Certain Pisces crystals also work to ground them in reality when they get too lost in the ethereal realms. Today, we will explore the best crystals for Pisces and find out what stones are perfect for this astrological sign.

Why You Should Use Crystals For Your Pisces Zodiac Sign

Healing crystals have the ability to strengthen the positive traits of zodiac signs and balance and harmonize their more troublesome characteristics. Many Pisces individuals are drawn to spiritual practices, and specific stones can help them as they explore higher realms of consciousness and the depth of their emotional world.

However, Pisces folks can sometimes get too lost in their thoughts and need something to tether them to reality. Certain Pisces crystals work with the lower chakras to ease this disconnect, allowing them to keep their feet firmly on the ground.

As one of the three water signs, Pisces people feel a lot. Their ability to empathize and connect with others is one of their strongest traits, but this can sometimes overwhelm them. Some Pisces crystals provide them with the space they need to nurture their own energy and bring balance to any heightened or confused emotions.

Pisces Traits & Characteristics

The Pisces zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Neptune, which governs dreams, subconsciousness, and creativity. Its influence amplifies Pisceans's intuitive and compassionate nature, creating incredible emotional depth. Your Pisces friends are the ones who will ring you out of the blue when you are feeling sad simply because they 'feel' that something is wrong.

As the mutable water sign of the zodiac wheel, Piscean energy is everchanging and deep. Their emotions flow through them, and unlike other water signs that may bottle things up, they are expressive and honest. However, this immense depth of emotion can cause them to be a little sensitive. When their friends or partner upsets them, the vast, tranquil Piscean ocean can become a fierce storm. And sometimes, they cannot find the boat that provides refuge.

Pisceans have a love for anything mystical and use their spirituality to discover more about themselves and their path in the universe. From Tarot reading to journaling, these folks know how to turn inward for enlightenment. Their spiritual side also fuels their creativity, with many Pisceans turning to art, music, or writing to understand their inner and outer world.

How To Choose A Crystal For Pisces Energy

When picking the right crystal for you, reflect on how your Pisces energy influences your life. Do you sometimes struggle with your feelings and take on the negative emotions of others? Do you need to work with a crystal that brings emotional balance?

If you are too 'up in the clouds' and find your dreamy nature negatively impacting your day-to-day life, certain Pisces crystals can help you stay grounded and practical. Others boost the positive traits of the Pisces sign, helping them move forward on their journey toward spiritual enlightenment and understanding.

The Best Crystals For Pisces

So, what are the best crystals for Pisces? Let's discover what crystals you should bring into your life for personal, spiritual, and emotional healing.

Rose Quartz

  • Chakras: Heart

  • Planets: Venus

  • Element: Earth


With its soothing energy, Rose Quartz is one of the best stones for Pisceans to work with. Pisces tend to take on the emotions of others because of their highly empathic spirit, but this can cause them to forget about themselves. Rose Quartz heals all types of relationships by opening up the Heart Chakra to bring balance to love and compassion.

Rose Quartz uplifts the sensitive Pisces to allow them to give and receive love in a healthy and supportive manner. It balances out codependency issues and allows a Piscean to give themselves the time and space they need for self-love and self-care.

How To Use

Charge your Rose Quartz positive affirmations of harmony and love. Then, wear it as a necklace near your Heart Chakra to bring balance to your relationships.


  • Chakras: Throat

  • Planets: Neptune

  • Element: Water


As the Pisces birthstone, Aquamarine harmonizes with the oceanic depths of this zodiac sign to bring them closer to their truth. The Aquamarine crystal exudes calming vibrations and matches the Piscean's dreamy flow of energy, enabling them to stay strong and confident in who they are. It amplifies positive energy to bring balance to extreme emotions, allowing you to come to a place of tranquility and peace.

As a Throat Chakra crystal, Aquamarine opens up this energy point to enhance communication and honesty. It boosts self-expression and helps a sometimes overly emotional Piscean speak in a calm and productive manner.

How To Use

Charge your Aquamarine gemstone with natural running water to unlock its metaphysical properties. Then, place it in your home to create a calm, tranquil, safe space.

Blue Lace Agate

  • Chakras: Throat

  • Planets: Neptune

  • Element: Air and Water


Blue Lace Agate is a stone of release and renewal that enhances the Piscean's adaptable energy and helps them overcome heavy emotions. Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, and sometimes, folks born under this zodiac sign can feel a range of forces pulling them in different ways. Blue Lace Agate relieves this confusion and sheds light on their route forward, allowing them to let go of beliefs and worries that do not serve them.

This powerful crystal harmonizes with the Throat Chakra to enhance personal truth and understanding. It helps you know and express who you are, regardless of pressure from external forces.

How To Use

Charge your Blue Lace Agate with incense, as the air element will boost its powers. Then, have it near you while journaling and explore any confusing or stagnant energy that needs addressing.


  • Chakras: Crown and Third Eye

  • Planets: Jupiter and Saturn

  • Element: Air and Water


Amethyst opens the Crown Chakra to connect us to the spiritual realm, allowing us to explore universal oneness and truth. Pisces sun signs have a natural inclination towards spiritual awareness, so this powerful stone is the perfect match for these curious souls.

Amethyst also harmonizes with the Third Eye Chakra to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. As Pisceans often have these innate abilities within them, this stone gives them a boost and helps them move forward on their spiritual journey.

How To Use

Charge your Amethyst crystal with moonlight as the Moon deepens its effect on the subconscious and spiritual awareness. Then, use it when meditating by placing it on the Crown or Third Eye Chakra.


  • Chakras: Crown and Third Eye

  • Planets: Moon

  • Element: Water


Moonstone enriches your spiritual and emotional world by bringing the energy of renewal and balance into your life. It harmonizes our soul with the ebbs and flows of life, with its vibrations reflecting the cyclical nature of the Moon.

For a Piscean, the nurturing energy of Moonstone enhances emotional healing and lifts them up when they are bogged down in the depths of their feelings. Release and renewal come easily with Moonstone by your side, and you are able to regroup your emotions and let go of grudges and upset.

As it harmonizes with the higher chakras, this Pisces stone holds powerful spiritual energy. It supports you on your journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, connecting your soul to higher realms.

How To Use

Charge your Moonstone with herbs associated with peace and well-being, such as chamomile and lavender. Then, wear it as crystal jewelry to promote emotional clarity and balance.


  • Chakras: Third Eye, Throat, and Heart

  • Planets: Mercury

  • Element: Air and Water


Fluorite is a crystal of mental clarity and concentration, with its powerful vibrations relieving mental fog and enhancing focus. For the Piscean daydreamers, Fluorite helps them focus on the task at hand and find practical solutions to their issues.

Sometimes, Pisces sun signs have their heads in the clouds and fail to see what is right in front of them. Fluorite gently turns their attention to the here and now, amplifying their sense of purpose to enable them to act.

How To Use

Charge your Fluorite with intentions of focus and achievement. Then, place it on your desk at work to help you concentrate on your goals.

Tiger's Eye

  • Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus

  • Planets: Sun

  • Element: Fire


By connecting with the lower chakras, Tiger's Eye amplifies personal power and strength to unlock the wild cat within. It disperses negative energy and relieves worries and hesitancy, helping you march forward in life and achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Those born during Pisces season are thinkers, not doers, and this means that they can sometimes forget that they need to act in order for their dreams to become a reality. Tiger's Eye helps them with this by lighting their inner fire and enhancing determination and confidence.

How To Use

Charge your Tiger's Eye in the sunlight, as the Sun promotes action and success. Then, wear it as a ring on your dominant hand to enhance personal power and courage.

Lapis Lazuli

  • Chakras: Throat and Third Eye

  • Planets: Jupiter

  • Element: Water


Lapis Lazuli is a powerful Pisces stone that unlocks inner wisdom and intuition, allowing you to stay true to yourself and your path. It opens you up to your spiritual truth by creating a flow of energy between your Third Eye and Throat chakras, enabling you to access and express your innermost beliefs.

Pisceans can sometimes struggle to speak up for themselves, and this is where Lapis Lazuli will really benefit them. As it opens up the Throat Chakra, it boosts our communication skills and lets our voices be heard.

How To Use

Charge your Lapis Lazuli with chanting to harmonize it with your Throat Chakra. Then, wear it to enhance communication and truth.


  • Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Root

  • Planets: Mars

  • Element: Earth


Bloodstone is a powerful Root Chakra stone that stabilizes and grounds energy, relieving confusion and self-doubt. It unlocks the fighter within to help you stay true to your soul's calling and believe in your abilities. Because of its effect on the lower chakras, Bloodstone connects us to the physical world and lets us feel safe and secure.

For the celestial Pisceans, Bloodstone brings them back down to earth and boosts feelings of stability. It also helps them stand up for themselves and put their emotions and needs first, which can help ease the issues they face that come from their compassionate and empathetic nature.

How To Use

Charge your Bloodstone with soil, as the earth element will amplify its grounding properties. Then, place it on your Root Chakra while visualizing roots growing out from this point of energy into the ground below you.

What Crystal Should a Pisces Wear?

The best stones for Pisces are those that enhance their positive characteristics and connect them to their intuition, such as Moonstone and Amethyst. Higher chakra stones unlock their innate spiritual powers and bring them the enlightenment and truth they crave.

What Crystal Should a Pisces Avoid?

Pisces signs should avoid crystals that are solely ruled by the planet Saturn. As Saturn is the planet of responsibility and structure, these healing stones may dampen Pisceans' fluid and changeable nature.

What Is Pisces Lucky Gem?

The lucky gem for Pisces is Aquamarine. Aquamarine is this star sign's traditional birthstone, bringing them luck and prosperity. Other Pisces birthstones that bring them luck include Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, and Aquamarine.

Final Thoughts

These Pisces crystals amplify positive energies and help you with emotional and spiritual growth. By working with these stones, you can overcome the negative traits of your zodiac sign and embrace your potential.

Whether you need a crystal to stay grounded or a stone for spiritual guidance, these Pisces gemstones have everything you need to support you as you journey through life!

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